Meet Sandra's New Equine Partner...Nico the Friesian!

Nico the Friesian studio shot

Photo of Nico taken by his owner Susan McClafferty of Mareish Media. Click here to see more photos on Instagram.

I am BEYOND excited to announce a new horse in my life. Meet Cobus Fan De Hill, also known as ‘Nico’. He is a seven year old, 17 hand Friesian gelding sired by Alwin 469 x Doaitsen 420. My talented, creative friend Susan McCLafferty of Mareish Media purchased him to sponsor my ongoing creative ventures. She is an incredible horsewoman and I am honored that she helped me find the horse of my dreams.

Nico was imported when he was four years old from the Netherlands and has been trained in dressage by Christine Johnston at Iron Horse Farm. She did a fabulous job with him, starting him slow and building a solid foundation. He has shown through Second Level dressage and I look forward to bringing him up through the levels. Can you tell I am in love already?

Please follow Nico the Friesian on Instagram! Click here!

Nico is a very special horse, he has a kind, soulful eye and he is incredibly smart and aware of his surroundings. He is a perfect gentleman and he wants to do a good job. He is sensitive but also calm in nature. I am so excited for our future together and I am hoping that we will create some unique performances to inspire others!

After losing my heart horse Douwe over three years ago I wasn’t sure that I would want another Friesian. I LOVE my boy Rovandio but he is 22 years old this year and starting to slow down in his later years. The stars have aligned and I feel that Nico was brought into my life at just the right time and now I have the knowledge to begin again on a new journey. Please follow Nico on Instagram to stay updated on our journey together.

The Best Holiday Gift ever! Owner Susan Mcclafferty hands off Nico the Friesian to trainer Sandra Beaulieu. Click here to Follow Nico on Instagram.

Creative Choreography for your First Level Dressage Musical Freestyle

Douwe competing a First level Freestyle. photo credit: spotted vision photography

Are you putting together a First Level dressage freestyle? Congratulations! In this article I will share choreography tips specifically meant for First Level. I have broken them down by each required movement.

This is a sampling of what is included in my First Level Choreography E-Book and my book FREESTYLE: The Ultimate Guide to Riding, Training, and Competing to Music.

Overall Tips to Keep in Mind

  • In regards to degree of difficulty, keep in mind that you want your freestyle routine to be easy for the judge to follow along. Don’t make it so complicated that the judge is confused or they cannot tell what movement you are riding.

  • Choose variations of each movement so that your horse can perform to the best of their ability. Do not overface your horse and lose technical points.

First level trot lengthening freestyle

Trot Lengthening

At First Level you are required to show one trot lengthening on a straight line. Typically riders will include more than one.

  • Use your quarterlines and centerline to highlight your horse’s straightness and balance.

  • Angle your lengthening on a diagonal line from the centerline to the rail so that your diagonal line is less test-like. (shown in diagram)

  • Incorporate walk or canter transitions close to your trot lenghthening to demonstrate ride-ability.

10 meter Trot Circles

At First Level you are required to show a 10 meter trot circle in both directions.

  • Approach your circles from the quarterline, centerline, or parallel to the short sides so that it is placed differently than a dressage test.

  • Ride your circle immediately before/after other movements like leg-yield and lengthened trot to showcase ride-ability.

  • Ride a figure-eight with your two trot circles to demonstrate suppleness.

  • Place your circle before/after a canter transition to showcase your horse’s ability to maintain his/her balance.

Medium & Free Walk

At First Level you are required to show a minimum of 20 meters of medium walk and free walk. You are allowed to ride them on curved lines.

  • Going from the the trot directly into the free walk is more difficult than using the medium walk for the transition.

  • Highlight an amazing walk by using diagonal lines, half circles, or bending lines where the judge can clearly see the overstep and rhythm.

  • If your horse has poor rhythm you can showcase straightness by riding your medium or free walk on the centerline/quarterline or suppleness with a unique bending line to challenge your horse’s ability to relax and focus.

Trot Leg-Yield

At First Level you are required to show a leg-yield in both directions with a minimum of 12 meters.

  • Incorporate a leg-yield zig-zag if your horse can stay straight and steady. Keep in mind that you want to choose movements that your horse can perform well consistently.

  • Ride canter transitions or lengthened trot before/after leg-yield to showcase ride-ability.

  • Place your trot circles before/after to help setup the bend and balance your horse.

15 meter Canter Circles

At First Level you are required to show a 15 meter canter circle in both directions.

  • Use your quarterlines to begin your circle, this helps with your accuracy and improves degree of difficulty riding off the track.

  • Place your lengthened canter directly before/after your circle to highlight good impulsion.

  • Include counter canter before/after your circles to showcase balance and obedience.

Changes of Lead Through Trot

At First Level you are required to show a change of lead through trot (canter - trot - canter) in both directions.

  • Use your centerline and quarterlines to demonstrate straightness and ride-ability. This can also save on time and help you flow into your next movement.

  • Incorporate counter canter before/after if your horse has reliable changes of lead.

  • Include additional changes of lead in case you mess up on one of them. You will typically see riders include two in each directions.

First level canter lengthening freestyle

Canter Lengthening

At First Level you are required to show one canter lengthening on a straight line. Typically, riders will include at two canter lengthenings.

  • Use your centerlines and quarterlines if you horse is well balanced and straight.

  • Include counter canter before/after your lengthening to showcase balance and obedience.

  • Angle your lengthening on a diagonal line from the centerline to the rail so that you can stay on the same lead. (shown in diagram)

I hope this article helps you with some ideas for your First Level freestyle! Click here if you want to take a closer look at my choreography e-books where these particular diagrams come from. If you have any questions or comments don’t hesitate to leave one down below or send me an email at

Download My Free Resources

Stay organized with my Musical Freestyle Checklist and begin sketching choreography with my Blank Arena Diagram Page.

Browse my Freestyle Book Store

Learn how to create a musical freestyle from start to finish or choose an e-Book with choreography ideas just for your level.
Click here to view all Freestyle Books & e-Books.

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Use this Online Resource to Find Pre-Made Dressage Freestyle Music

Rovandio practices a canter halfpass. Photo credit Kimberly Chason.

Do you need to create a musical freestyle on a quick timeline? Or perhaps you are having a creative block looking for music for your horse. This online resource might be just the help you need! I am not an affiliate of this company but I have recommended them for years.

Marvin's Music

This website offers pre-made freestyle music and choreography for a decent price. The prices range from $23-$57. I have had a few clients use this website to purchase music and choreography. You may need to re-arrange the choreography to better highlight your horse's strengths and weaknesses but their pattern will give you something to start from. I encourage you to visit their website and spend some time listening to the music. It will help you get into the creative mindset. 

Options Available

  • You can listen to each piece of music for the walk, trot, canter, entrance, ending halt and passage if it applies.

  • If you love soundtracks they have music from Star Wars, Zorro, James Bond, Harry Potter and more!

  • If you want to try something unique try their new Game Music (Mario, Angry Birds, Sonic).

  • Choose music from popular bands like Coldplay, the Beatles, Abba, and Madonna as well as Classical, Spanish and Violin music.

  • They have a Tailor Made option where you can mix and match music from different themes. It costs extra but would be a good option if you wanted something more unique. They can also match their music to your own choreography. 

Click here to visit their website:

Let me know if you have used Marvin’s Music or have another resource online for pre-made freestyle music. Email me at or comment on this blog post.

Download My Free Resources

Stay organized with my Musical Freestyle Checklist and begin sketching choreography with my Blank Arena Diagram Page.

Browse my Freestyle Book Store

Learn how to create a musical freestyle from start to finish or choose an e-Book with choreography ideas just for your level.
Click here to view all Freestyle Books & e-Books.

Related Articles

Creative Centerlines for your Dressage Musical Freestyle

Make a strong first impression with your musical freestyle! Your entrance sets the stage, just like the opening scene of a movie or the start of a song, creating the mood and giving the judge a glimpse of what's to come. Whether you're at a beginner level or beyond, there are plenty of ways to grab attention from the start.

Douwe and Sandra enter for their First Level Musical Freestyle. Photo taken by Spotted Vision Photography.

Use Lyrics

Lyrics are becoming a popular choice for musical freestyles, but it’s important to pick songs that enhance your routine, not distract from it. Fun song openings or catchy jingles can set the tone and bring a smile to the audience.

For example, I once designed a freestyle using the iconic intro to James Brown’s "I Feel Good." It was instantly recognizable and helped make a great impression on both the judge and audience. The rest of the routine followed the same genre and received plenty of compliments.

For my client Carolena, we used “Lollipop” for her entrance. She nailed the halt and salute to the recognizable "pop" sound, adding charm to her Training Level freestyle. The routine continued with fun songs like “Sandman” and “Tweedle Dee.”

Consider iconic lines from movies like “Bond...James Bond” or Broadway hits like “He’s here, the Phantom of the Opera!” These memorable phrases make for great entrances.

The beauty of using lyrics is that the music doesn’t always need to match your horse’s stride. While it’s ideal, the entrance is all about making an impression and setting the stage. If the lyrics are right, go for it—even if the beats aren’t perfect!

Sandra and Rovandio showing a Second Level Freestyle. Photo credit Spotted Vision Photography.

Use Transitions

Transitions like walk to trot, trot to canter, or walk to canter are often overlooked, yet they can really elevate your freestyle. At lower levels, centerline options are limited, but using entrance music with clear transitions can boost your artistic scores and showcase your technical skills to the judge.

I rode a Third Level freestyle with my horse Rovandio many years ago and our violin music started slow and then added a distinct trot beat. I cued the music, began at the walk and then transitioned to the trot when the music changed.

Only try this if your horse is really consistent in upward transitions! If they tend to brace or come above the bit I wouldn’t risk it, just stay in your preferred gait.

Add a Lengthening/Extension

Impress the judge with a dramatic extended trot down the centerline! If your horse has a reliable and high-quality medium/extended trot this can be a really good option. Also using medium/extended canter can really ‘WoW’ the judges and set the stage for a powerful ride.

This entrance works well when you have are going all the way down the centerline to your first halt. Some riders prefer to halt around L or G to set up for their first movement closer to the judge.

Sandra used Outlander music for her Friesian gelding Douwe. Photo credit Spotted Vision Photography.

Add Sound Bites

You can add a little more sparkly and pizzazz with your opening salute by accenting with additional sound bites. This could sound like a gong, a magical chime, a drumroll, or perhaps the sound of people clapping. You can get creative and add sounds that will go along with your entrance music and the overall theme of the freestyle. Having a definite sound or accent for your salute elevates your freestyle and shows that you pay attention to detail.

You can search for sound bites on websites like where you can purchase short music clips and search by instrument and genre. Use keywords like “Intro” to search through hundreds of short clips that people use for music videos, movies, and promo videos. They are generally short and already fade in/out so they would be very easy to incorporate in the editing process.

More Ideas…

  • I personally like the sound of an orchestra warming up if you are using classical music

  • Sound clip from a band playing live…sometimes they will address the audience to get everyone fired up

  • Drumroll that you hear at the start of a movie

  • Record your own voice over your entrance movie to create something unique and special

  • Sound clip from a motivational speech

Have Fun!

No matter what you decide, I hope you have fun in the process! Creating a musical freestyle is a rewarding process that takes patience, determination, and creativity. Let me know in the comments below what you used for your musical freestyle entrance I would love to know. You can also email me with questions/comments to

Download My Free Resources

Stay organized with these handy Checklists, Worksheets, and begin sketching choreography with my Blank Arena Diagram Page.

Browse my Freestyle Book Store

Learn how to create a musical freestyle from start to finish or choose an e-Book with choreography ideas just for your level.
Click here to view all Freestyle Books & e-Books.

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Horse Quotes related to Dressage Musical Freestyle

If you are like me, you have been passionate about horses since a very young age. I became obsessed with musical freestyle at ten years old watching World Cup and Olympic videos. I would mute the sound on the video and play my own selection of music to famous Grand Prix dressage riders like Anky Van Grunsven and Guenter Seidel. Watching a horse and rider dance to music can be a magical experience!

I hope this collection of quotes inspires you to create your own musical freestyle. PLEASE feel free to download to your computer, share on social media, and save images to Pinterest. Click here to see my Pinterest boards related to dressage, freestyle, costumes, photo shoots, and more!

“Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor.” - H. Jackson Brown

Learn how to design your very own musical freestyle. click here

Learn how to design your very own musical freestyle. click here

“Music is life. That’s why our hearts have beats.” -unknown

Learn how to create a dressage musical here.

Learn how to create a dressage musical here.

“Eyes forward. Mind focused. Heart ready. Game on, world.” -

Tired of sitting on the sidelines? Create your dream freestyle this year! click here

Tired of sitting on the sidelines? Create your dream freestyle this year! click here

“When you have clarity of intention, the universe conspires with you to make it happen.” - Fabienne Frederickson

Learn how to create a dressage musical freestyle. Click here.

Learn how to create a dressage musical freestyle. Click here.

“By choosing our path, we choose our destination.” - Monson

Learn how to create a dressage musical freestyle. Click here.

Learn how to create a dressage musical freestyle. Click here.

“The best is yet to come.” - Frank Sinatra

Quotes about dressage musical freestyle

Download My Free Resources

Stay organized with my Musical Freestyle Checklist and begin sketching choreography with my Blank Arena Diagram Page.

Related Articles

Add some Sparkle! DIY Glitter for your Horse's Hooves, Mane & Tail!

When I perform with my horse the first thing that everyone notices is all the GLITTER! I particularly love to make Douwe's or Rovandio's hooves gold, silver, or copper, whatever matches our costume. Everyone asks how I get the glitter to stay on so here is my SUPER EASY secret to getting your own "cheap" version of Twinkle Toes!

Douwe's silver hooves at the 2014 Baroque Horse Show where we performed. Photo taken by Karen Lendvay.

Douwe's silver hooves at the 2014 Baroque Horse Show where we performed. Photo taken by Karen Lendvay.

What You Need:

  • Hoof Polish: I prefer black because it makes the hooves really stand out, but clear will work fine as well.

  • GLITTER: You can get glitter in many colors at any craft store, JoAnn Fabric, ACMoore, Hobby Lobby, and Walmart. You can just get the regular craft glitter. The fine glitter works really well for the mane and coat but I like to use the larger glitter for hooves.

  • Hairspray: Can of Super Hold hairspray- you can buy this at WalMart, Walgreens, etc...

  • Latex Gloves: If you don't want to get the hoof polish on your hands, wear gloves!

  • Block of Wood/Broom/Canvas: Something to help keep the area clear of shavings and to protect the floor from being stained by hoof polish.

How to Apply Glitter to the Hooves:

  1.  Clean the hoof and leg- just brushing it off will do! Don’t wash the hoof - keep it dry!

  2. Sweep the area and/or place the hoof on a piece of wood/cloth if you would like to keep shavings/dirt away from the drying polish.

  3. Apply the hoof polish to one hoof at a time.

  4. Sprinkle on the glitter immediately after you apply the hoof polish while it is still wet.

  5. Wait until the polish dries, it doesn't take very long, maybe 10 minutes and you are ready to ride!

Stand on a flat, clean surface for best results. put something underneath the hoof if you are not allowed to get polish on the floor.

apply the glitter when the hoof polish is still wet.

How to Apply Glitter to the Mane/Tail/Coat:

  1.  Groom your horse first! Do Not use Show Sheen or the glitter will not stick.

  2. Have someone hold your horse while you spray, some horses don't like the sound of the hairspray, be careful!

  3. Spray and Sprinkle - With the glitter in one hand and the hairspray in the other, spray a section of the horse and then sprinkle on the glitter.

  4. Repeat! I usually spray, sprinkle, and then spray again over the glitter to get it to stay.

  5. Re-apply as Needed -The horse may shake his head after you are done, that is why we put on a lot of glitter! We usually keep in mind that half of it will fall off once the horse shakes or the skirts rub it off.

Having way too much fun at the Equine Affaire! Elisha Harvey and Hannah French were my assistants/grooms for the event and they made a great glitter team! Here you can see how much glitter they put in Douwe's mane!

Having way too much fun at the Equine Affaire! Elisha Harvey and Hannah French were my assistants/grooms for the event and they made a great glitter team! Here you can see how much glitter they put in Douwe's mane!

Elisha Harvey is one of Douwe's glitter grooms! Here she is adding more hairspray to his tail to help hold the glitter can also see that she put glitter on his feathers!

Elisha Harvey is one of Douwe's glitter grooms! Here she is adding more hairspray to his tail to help hold the glitter can also see that she put glitter on his feathers!

And you are done!

I would love to see photos of your horse all sparkly! You can email them to me at or tag me on Facebook or Instagram. Have fun!

Here you can see Douwe all glittered during a performance at the Equine Affaire.

Learn More about Fantasy Photo Shoots with your Horse

What Computer Software Should You Use to Edit Your Dressage Freestyle Music?


Wondering what kind of software to use for your musical freestyle? The internet has made the creation process a lot easier, with more programs and tools being added all the time. Here are some popular programs that are used by amateurs and professional freestyle designers.

Music Editing Software

  • Audacity The most popular, FREE software that will work on all computers. I recommend this as the top choice for everyone to start with unless they have a Mac…in that case use the next choice listed below.

  • Garageband My current software of choice. It is included on a Mac computer or laptop so this is the best choice if you already have this kind of computer.

  • Logic Pro X The next step up from Garageband. It is used by songwriters and music professionals who want to create and mix their own songs. Only available for Mac. They have a free trial but then you have to purchase the software (currently $199.99 in 2023).

  • Adobe Audition If you are familiar with Adobe products this might work well for you. This is another professional editing tool that lets you create in the cloud. There is a monthly fee (currently $20.99 a month). If you do not have a Mac computer this would be the higher end choice for you.

Need More Help? Try these Local Resources…

In addition to online resources, I encourage you to look into options that might be available to you locally. 

Photo Credit: Spotted Vision Photography

> Family & Friends: Perhaps your son/daughter/husband is really good on the computer? Check with your horse friends and see if any of them are tech savvy. Maybe you could barter some riding lessons for their editing skills! Be creative!  

Local High School: Meet with your local music teacher to see if they have the ability to edit music. Your school may have a computer class that could include your freestyle as a class project.  

Nearby University: Pay a college student to edit your music. Try posting a want ad on a local community board or coffee shop where the tech-savvy folks hang out. There could be a student who would appreciate the opportunity to earn a little extra money.  

Professional Musician: If you know someone who records their own music they will certainly have the skills to edit music. Check out some local bands in your area. Don't worry about the genre of their music, it is the editing skills that you need. 

Freestyle Designer: Reach out to a few professional freestyle designers and see if they would be willing to edit your music separate from the choreography. Some designers may not agree to edit music if they aren’t involved in the entire process but it is worth a try! If you have all your music choices they may not mind doing the editing for an hourly or project rate.

Photo credit: Spotted Vision Photography

Learn from YouTube Tutorials

I regularly save freestyle videos and tutorials on my YouTube channel. If you find a video that I have not saved to a playlist please send me an email ( so I can add it.
> How to Edit Music using Audacity YouTube playlist with Video Tutorials

> How to Edit Music using Garageband YouTube playlist with Video Tutorials

In Conclusion

I hope this list of resources helps you get started on your musical freestyle! I have a FREE Freestyle Facebook Group where you can ask questions and connect with other equestrians who are on the same journey.

Download My Free Resources

Stay organized with my Musical Freestyle Checklist and begin sketching choreography with my Blank Arena Diagram Page.

Browse my Freestyle Book Store

Learn how to create a musical freestyle from start to finish or choose an e-Book with choreography ideas just for your level.
Click here to view all Freestyle Books & e-Books.

Related Articles

Dressage Musical Freestyle Rule Changes for 2023

Every four years the United States Dressage Federation (USDF) reviews their dressage tests and makes improvements/changes. This year there were a few notable changes in the freestyle tests that you should keep in mind when preparing to show.

The following changes will be active on December 1, 2022 and count until November 30, 2026.

Choreography Changes by Level

Training Level:

Sandra and Douwe compete in a First level musical freestyle. photo credit spotted vision photography.

  • The trot serpentine now specifies TWO or MORE changes of direction with loops no smaller then 15 meters.

  • The stretch trot circle in Training level now specifies that it must be ridden in a RISING trot.

First Level:

  • The Turn on the Forehand in the Additionally Allowed section has been removed and is no longer permissable.

Second & Third Level:

  • No changes to choreography requirements.

Fourth Level:

  • They have added Flying Changes of Lead every 4th Stride with a minimum of 3 Changes.

Scoring Changes by Level

Training Level:

  • The Medium Walk now has a double co-efficient.

First Level:

  • The Leg-Yields (left and right) and the Changes of Lead through Trot now have a double co-efficient.

Second Level:

  • New technical scores added for the transitions in and out of medium trot AND the transitions in and out of medium canter.

  • New double co-efficients for Medium Walk and the Simple Change of Lead (left and right).

Third Level:

  • The Medium Walk, Trot Halfpasses (left and right), Canter Halfpasses (left and right), and the Extended Canter now have double co-efficients.

Fourth Level:

  • The Collected Walk, Flying Changes of Lead every 3rd Stride, and the Canter Working Half-Pirouette (left and right) now have double co-efficients.

Make sure you are familiar with the dressage musical freestyle rule changes before you compete in 2023. Dressage rider Ashley Bizelli. Photo Credit: Kimberly Chason

Artistic Scoring Changes

  • The Rhythm, Energy, and Elasticity score has been moved from the Technical Marks and added to the Artistic Marks with a co-efficient of 4.

  • Harmony co-efficienthas increased to a 4 in Collective Marks (previously a 3).

  • Music and Interpretation co-efficients have decreased to a 2 in Collective Marks (previously a 3).

  • Degree of Difficulty score has been adjusted depending on the level.

    • First Level co-efficient is a 2

    • Second Level co-efficient is a 3

    • Third/Fourth Level co-efficient is now a 4

Feeling good after our freestyle ride. Photo credit: Spotted Vision Photography

Let’s Review

Overall I like these changes because they place more emphasis on the Harmony and Rhythm, Energy, and Elasticity marks. That should help improve the quality of the freestyle and reward riders that implement classical methods that pay attention to the welfare of the horse.

Click here to view the new USDF freestyle tests.

Sandra Beaulieu author of Freestyle Ultimate Guide to Riding, Training, and Competing to Music

About the Author

Hello! My name is Sandra Beaulieu, author of FREESTYLE: The Ultimate Guide to Riding, Training, and Competing to Music and it is my goal to provide DIY tools and resources to help you create the musical freestyle of your dreams.

I am a USDF Freestyle Bronze Bar recipient and many of my clients/customers have earned their Bronze, Silver, and Gold Bars in addition to year end awards and championship placings.

As a USDF “L” Graduate I can offer an inside perspective from the judge’s booth, giving you an added advantage in the show arena.

Download Free Resources

Freestyle Book Store

Learn how to create a musical freestyle from start to finish or choose an e-Book with choreography ideas just for your level.
Click here to view all Freestyle Books and e-Books.

Smartphone Apps to Help with your Dressage Musical Freestyle

Smartphones can be very useful in the creation of your musical freestyle. Rider: Mary Jo Zanolli Photo credit: Kimberly Chason

Here are some popular apps that will help you will different aspects of freestyle design. Most of these apps are available on both iPhone and Android but I have only included links to the iTunes store. Send me an email ( if you have found another useful app that you think I should add to this list.

TestPro US Dressage Federation

It is a good idea to have the freestyle tests available for quick reference. I check the tests to make sure I know the required movements for each level and to make sure I am not including anything that is forbidden.

The app also helps you memorize your tests by dragging your finger on the screen movement by movement. It also has a freestyle feature to let you save choreography. Click here to download the TestPro app.

FEI EquiTests 3 - Dressage

If you are showing at the FEI Levels this app has all the regular and freestyle tests available within the app. It has a fun feature that lets you record your own voice reading a dressage test so that you can have the right timing for your horse. Downside is that the app currently (November 2022) costs $9.99. Click here to download the EquiTests app.

BPM by Motokazu Sekine

I use this app on a daily basis to help me find a horse's BPM (beats per minute). There are many BPM and Metronome apps on the market but this one also lets me check the BPM of a song while it is playing in Spotify. Many of the other apps I have tried will not work at the same time as you play a song.

You can use this app to determine whether a song will match your horse's gaits, simple, quick, and easy! You simply tap the beat on the screen. When I use the app I start by tapping my foot to the beat of the song and then tap my finger to help me keep a consistent rhythm. Click here to download the BPM  app.

Using a smartphone app to determine the horse’s beats per minute. Photo credit: Kimberly Chason


This metronome app came highly recommended by a member of the Freestyle Facebook Group. I have since downloaded it to my iPhone and I will test it out myself. You can simply tap the screen to start/stop the metronome and set a visual flash of light if you can't hear the beat. 

It also has a BPM detector that may also be useful to figure out the BPM of a particular song. This app is meant for musicians and has additional features to tune instruments and record music. Click here to download the Soundcorset app.


I love using Spotify and I recommend the paid version. You can use Spotify for free but it does not let you click through songs quickly, you have to wait and listen to ads. If you just need the app to help you for a one-time freestyle you can just use the free version.

I save numerous playlists for walk, trot, and canter songs so I can go back later and find something for a new client. I also create playlists for each horse/rider combination and for my own personal horses and themed performances.

Spotify will also recommend songs based on your personal preferences. This has helped me discover new music that I wouldn't have found on my own. However, it is easy to fall down the rabbit hole and listen for hours! But I don't see that as a big problem do you? Click here to download the Spotify app.

Do you have an app you use for musical freestyle? Please leave a comment below, email me at, or join the Facebook group and share with the other members

About the Author

Hello! My name is Sandra Beaulieu, author of FREESTYLE: The Ultimate Guide to Riding, Training, and Competing to Music and it is my goal to provide DIY tools and resources to help you create the musical freestyle of your dreams.

I am a USDF Freestyle Bronze Bar recipient and many of my clients/customers have earned their Bronze, Silver, and Gold Bars in addition to year end awards and championship placings.

As a USDF “L” Graduate I can offer an inside perspective from the judge’s booth, giving you an added advantage in the show arena.

Download My Free Resources

Stay organized with my Musical Freestyle Checklist and begin sketching choreography with my Blank Arena Diagram Page.

Browse my Freestyle E-Book Store

Learn how to create a musical freestyle from start to finish or choose an e-Book with choreography ideas just for your level.
Click here to view all Freestyle Books.

Related Articles

Video of Sandra Beaulieu and her Horses wins at the Equus Film Festival

"Horses give me the opportunity
to develop my trust in life
and tap into the creative
powers of my soul."

                               - Sandra Beaulieu

I hope you enjoy this creative video put together by my talented friend Ashley Mancuso of Ash Equine Productions. Everything in my life is intertwined, the dressage, liberty training, performing, and Art on Horseback. Each avenue offers a unique way for me to connect with my horses and explore my creativity. I hope that my journey can inspire others to pursue their dreams, no matter how different they might seem.

This video won the Art - Mini category at the Equus Film Festival in 2018!

How to Create a Musical Freestyle - Learn the Seven Phases of Freestyle Creation

Watch our "Outlander" inspired first level credit: spotted vision photography

Watch our "Outlander" inspired first level credit: spotted vision photography

Imagine riding up the centerline to the music of your very own musical freestyle! If you are reading this article you are thinking of, or have decided to, design a musical freestyle. How exciting!

Just think how much fun you and your horse will have dancing to music. I know that my horses enjoy their music and they will start to learn their transitions and follow along. 

This video will give you an overview of what's in store for you in the months ahead. I have broken down the process into Seven Phases to help you keep track of your progress and avoid overwhelm. 

You can just watch the video or scroll down to read a description of each phase. I have also included links to articles and resources to help you along the way.

#1: Plan & Prepare

You are currently in this stage right now, planning ahead for your freestyle. If this is your first time I recommend giving yourself ample time to work on it. There will be a learning curve with the music software and how to choreograph your routine so be careful not to rush yourself.

The best time to start working on a musical freestyle is in your "off" season. If you compete in the summer months try to begin in the winter, right after the holidays is usually a good time to get focused. Download my free Musical Freestyle Checklist to help you stay on track (scroll to the bottom of this article).

#2: Rules & Requirements

You will need to learn the rules that pertain to freestyles at a competition, especially if you want to show at a USDF recognized event. It would be a shame to enter your first show and realize you are missing a movement or get disqualified because your entrance music is too long. There is a handy resource on the USDF website that summarizes the freestyle here.

Download the USDF TestPro US Dressage Federation App so that you will have quick access to your freestyle test sheets if you aren't sure about a here.

#3: Gather Info

In this phase you will be gathering information that will help you find your music and create your choreography. You will need to figure out the beats per minute for your horse's gaits so that you are prepared to select music. Learn how to determine your horse's beats per minute in this here. 

There are many smartphone apps available that will also help you with the BPM's, choreography, and music. Click here to see which apps I use and where to get them. 

#4: Discover your Music

It is a lot easier to find music with the availability of online search. Platforms such as ITunes, Spotify, Pandora, and YouTube will help you find music to match your horse. Don't forget to look in your old CD collection as well, there may be some gems that you forgot about. Click here for some ideas...

If you feel overwhelmed about selecting music, there are some options online for pre-made music such as Marvin's Music and MusiKur.

#5: Choreography

It is a fun challenge to work with a horse and rider to showcase their strengths and downplay their weaknesses. Try to "marry" the music and the choreography together, doing your best to follow the natural progression of the music. Avoid movements that will add stress for you and your horse, your test should HELP you, not hinder your horse's ability. My blank arena diagram sheet is very helpful during the process. Scroll down for your free copy.

If the idea of creating choreography overwhelms you, I have pre-designed routines in my Freestyle Choreography e-books. If you don't see the level you want just sent me an email ( and I will let you know when it is available.

#6: Edit, Edit, Edit

This is perhaps going to be the longest, most frustrating stage of the game. Keep faith! You are so close to the end it should help you gain momentum to push through. If you are not very "techy" this part of the process can be outsourced to a friend or a professional. I have gathered together some popular music software and extra options in this here.

If you get stressed out, take a break and try one of the four ways I stay motivated. Read the article here.

#7: Go to a Show

Time to take your freestyle for a trial run! Keep in mind that the first show is a learning experience. You will become familiar with the process, how to submit your music to show staff, the sound check, how to deal with different sound systems, and most does your horse do with the freestyle at a show. 

You may discover that your horse's tempo is a lot faster than normal or he/she spooks at the speakers set too close to the arena. After you receive feedback from your judge you can go back to the drawing board, adjusting choreography and music based on their scores. 

Here's some advice, do not drastically change your freestyle based on ONE judge's opinion! The artistic scores can vary widely from judge to judge. For example: One of my clients rode her new First Level freestyle at a schooling show and received a score in the low 60's, the artistic scores ranged from a 6 to a 6.5. She rode the EXACT same freestyle at a USDF Recognized show for an "S" judge and received a 76%! All 8's in the artistic scores.

Artistic value is in the eye of the beholder, don't lose faith if one judge does not resonate with your music. 

Download my Free Resources

Stay organized with my Musical Freestyle Checklist and begin sketching choreography with my Blank Arena Diagram Page.

Browse my Freestyle E-Book Store

Learn how to create a musical freestyle from start to finish or choose an e-Book with choreography ideas just for your level.
Click here to view all Freestyle e-Books.

Related Freestyle Articles

DIY? Custom? Learn the Pros and Cons for your Dressage Musical Freestyle...

Learn how to create a dressage musical freestyle.  Click here.

Learn how to create a dressage musical freestyle.  Click here.

Do you have the time and energy for DIY freestyle or would you rather pass along the task to a professional?

There are a variety of ways to complete a musical freestyle but for the sake of simplicity I have broken it down into three choices to  narrow your focus.

DIY & On a Budget

Creating a musical freestyle can be a very rewarding experience. On the flip side it takes a lot of time and energy, especially if you are new to freestyle design.

Make sure to give yourself enough time to accommodate the learning curve that comes with the tech and choreography. Typically,  I recommend 2-3 months at a minimum. Use my book FREESTYLE: The Ultimate Guide to Riding, Training, and Competing to Music to help you during the process.

* Cheapest Option
* Learn the Process for Future Freestyles
* Edit as Often as you Like (especially after each show based on judge's commentary)
* Express your Creativity
* Gain a Sense of Accomplishment

* Possible Frustration
* It will probably take a lot Longer than you Anticipate
* You will mostly likely run into Tech Issues
* You may not reach your Show Deadline

Learn how to design your very own Dressage Musical Freestyle. Click here

Learn how to design your very own Dressage Musical Freestyle. Click here

With Some Help & a Moderate Budget

This is the route I see many adult amateurs take. They want to stay on a budget but are not quite capable, or confident, to put in the extra time to learn the tech side of freestyle design.

Typically, riders will outsource the music editing because they are not familiar with the  software. It is a smart decision considering the learning curve can be quite frustrating! Click here to take the guesswork out of choreography design with my e-books.

* Learn the Process
* Outsource the Parts you Don't want to Do
* Outsource the Parts you Don't have the Skills to Do
* Express your Creativity
* Feel a Sense of Accomplishment

* Costs more to purchase Pre-Made music or Hire Help
* You may run into Tech Issues
* You may not reach your Show Deadline
* You may have Trouble finding good Help

Save Time & Energy with a Custom Freestyle

If you are a professional rider that is too busy with training clients and competitions, this is your best option. Adult amateur riders that are competitive and going to a lot of recognized shows will also benefit from a professional's touch. Every designer has a unique creation process and style to their freestyles.

* Works with a Busy Schedule
* Great Option if you Lack Creativity
* Takes the Worry out of the Process
* Can be a lot of Fun to test out the Music and Choreography
* Additional Support and Encouragement

* Most Expensive
* Can be Frustrating waiting on the Designer
* You may end up on a Waiting List during busy Seasons
* You may have to pay for additional Edits and Changes

I hope that diving deeper into the Pros and Cons of each process has helped you decide on the best course of action for you. If you have any questions you can post them in the Freestyle Facebook Group.

Download My Free Resources

Stay organized with my Musical Freestyle Checklist and begin sketching choreography with my Blank Arena Diagram Page.

Browse my Freestyle Book Store

Learn how to create a musical freestyle from start to finish or choose an e-Book with choreography ideas just for your level.
Click here to view all Freestyle Books.

Related Articles

Four Ways to Stay Motivated as you Create Your Dressage Musical Freestyle

Creating a musical freestyle takes time. You may begin the process all gung-ho and then find that your motivation lessens as time passes.

So far on your freestyle journey you have clarified your goals, decided on a course of actiongathered your resourcesfound your BPMs, and started the music search

Whenever I feel a lack of inspiration I spend some time doing the following. I would love to know how you stay inspired. Please share in the comments below or with the Freestyle Facebook group

Go to a Show

If you have the opportunity to attend a live event I think that it can help spark motivation. Even a local schooling show with one freestyle can motivate you. Watching a fellow rider in the ring, showing their finished freestyle is encouraging. Sometimes the lack of entries is also inspiring, it confirms the fact that creating freestyles is a lot of work and it means that your freestyle will stand out from the crowd.

Make plans to attend a big show if you live near high-profile showgrounds like Saugerties, NY or Tryon, NC. Are you making plans to attend the World Equestrian Games coming up this September (2018)? Regional and National Championship shows typically showcase the freestyles in the evening for the enjoyment of the audience. 

Watch YouTube

This is by far the quickest way to get motivated and inspire new ideas. I have saved individual Playlists for each level, Training through Grand Prix, and would love your help to add more. If you want to inspire other riders please send it along. Click on the freestyle level you are interested in seeing, the link will take you to my YouTube playlist for that level.  

If you have a video you would like me to add, please post the link in the comments below, email me at, or post your video in the Freestyle Facebook Group. I would love to share your finished freestyle, it doesn't matter if you are starting out at Training level.

Browse Quotes

When I am feeling down I jump onto Pinterest and start searching for motivational quotes and sayings. There aren't that many quotes related to musical freestyle...believe me I know! That's why I have created my own using quotes related to dancing, music, and riding. Click here to browse my collection of quotes here on my website or you can follow my Dressage Musical Freestyle board on Pinterest

Join a Community

Being a part of a group of like-minded riders is helpful to stay inspired and get encouragement. I started a Freestyle Facebook Group specifically for riders that want to ask questions, share their journey, and receive encouragement along the way. It is a positive group of ladies, many of them I know in "real life" too! Click here to join.

You can also join a few other Facebook groups called Musical Freestyle (Dressage Kur) and Musical Freestyle Dressage

There are also two online forums that you can ask questions and interact with other members on the topics of musical freestyle. These are the two that I recommend, the Chronicle of the Horse Forum and the Definitely Dressage Observation Lounge Forum.

If you find any other fun, positive groups online please let me know in the comments below or email me at I hope this post helped you find some motivation to continue working on your freestyle. Don't worry, everyone gets stuck, I think it is basically a right of passage! When you are struggling through the third, even tenth edit of your freestyle music it can feel like it is taking forever! Good luck!

Download My Free Resources

Stay organized with my Musical Freestyle Checklist and begin sketching choreography with my Blank Arena Diagram Page.

Browse my Freestyle E-Book Store

Learn how to create a musical freestyle from start to finish or choose an e-Book with choreography ideas just for your level.
Click here to view all Freestyle e-Books.

Related Articles

Where to Find Music for Your Dressage Musical Freestyle

Searching for freestyle music is usually the part of the freestyle process that everyone seems to enjoy. However, it can be overwhelming if you don't know where to begin.

Before you search for your freestyle music you will need to figure out your horse's BPMs so you can narrow down your choices and save time.

Save a Playlist

I like to search and save freestyle music on my Spotify app so that I can listen to it while I am riding. You can create one playlist for your horse and extra playlists for each gait or different themes if you are still choosing one.

Don’t have Spotify? You can also use iMusic if you have an Apple computer, Amazon Music, Pandora, YouTube Music, and other music apps depending on your preference. Just search ‘music’ in your App Store.

Use an App to Check Song BPM

As you are saving music, it is helpful to use a smartphone app to check a song’s BPM on the fly. I play the song in Spotify and then open my BPM app to tap the screen. When you listen to the song begin to tap your foot to the beat and that is usually your BPM. Do a Google search of the song if you aren’t sure. Sometimes a song will sound like the canter when you are in your car but when you actually check the BPM it may not match your horse.

Pick a Theme

I find it easier to start with a theme or genre to help me narrow down music choices. Don’t worry if you change your mind as you go…just use a theme as a starting point so you feel that you have a sense of direction.

Some theme ideas:

Mary-Jo uses her smartphone to check her freestyle music. Photo Credit: Kimberly Chason

  • Movie soundtracks like Zorro, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Spirit

  • TV Soundtracks like Outlander and Game of Thrones

  • Favorite Bands or Songs on the Radio (not sure about the lyrics? Keep reading down below)

  • Time Period like music from the Medieval, Renaissance, or Victorian era

  • Musical Genres like Jazz, Classical, Hip Hop, and Folk Music

  • Broadway Musicals like Phantom of the Opera, Chicago, and West Side Story

More theme ideas:

  • Horse Breed ex; a Mustang rides to Spirit or an Andalusian rides to Flamenco

  • Horse coat color ex; Black horse rides to Black Horse and a Cherry Tree or Zorro soundtrack

  • Age of Horse & Rider ex; a young rider would look cute to something like the Minions soundtrack or Peanuts

  • Size of Horse ex; a very large draft horse lends itself to something powerful and dramatic (think Gettysburg soundtrack) as opposed to a pony that needs something cute and light (think Disney themes)

Too Many Lyrics?

Is there a particular song on the radio that you just love? Lyrics are discouraged in the show arena (unless they lend a special quality to the performance) but you can typically find a variety of cover songs and remakes online.

Search the song name in your music app and add keywords ‘instrumental’ or ‘cover’ to help narrow your search. Some of my favorite bands that create instrumental cover songs are Vitamin String Quartet, Eklipse, and The Piano Guys.

When you think of your favorite style of music keep in mind how it makes you feel. Gravitate towards music that gives you confidence and keeps you focused, some music can create a lot of excitement that might translate into tension at a horse show.

If you haven't started already, I hope this article inspires you to begin your music search. Putting together your own musical freestyle is a challenge but well worth it in the end.

Download My Free Resources

Stay organized with my Musical Freestyle Checklist and begin sketching choreography with my Blank Arena Diagram Page.

Browse my Freestyle E-Book Store

Learn how to create a musical freestyle from start to finish or choose an e-Book with choreography ideas just for your level.
Click here to view all Freestyle e-Books.

Related Articles

How to Determine your Horse's BPMs for your Dressage Musical Freestyle...

Learn how to create a dressage musical freestyle. Click here.

Learn how to create a dressage musical freestyle. Click here.

I get asked about BPMs (beats per minute) frequently from riders who need help finding freestyle music. They know that they need to figure out their horse's bpms but aren't quite sure what that means or how to go about it. It is actually quite simple once you give it a try. I have included a few different methods, hopefully one of them will work for you!

Why You Need To Figure Out Your Horse's BPM:

Every piece of music has it's own beats per minute. When you match your horse's bpm to the music's bpm you can feel confident that the music will match. Of course, there is more to it than just matching the bpm (picking a theme, matching personality, and whether your horse enjoys it as well) but is a good place to start. 

Items You Will Need

  • A Timer or Cell Phone (with one of apps listed below)

  • Leg Wraps - use one easy-to-see color

  • Video Camera (optional)

  • A Helper/Assistant

Start by wrapping one of your horse's front legs with a colored polo wrap. You only need this one wrap but the leg will show up better in a video if all the legs are wrapped with just one that is brightly colored.

Learn how to find your horse's BPMs for your musical freestyle.

Learn how to find your horse's BPMs for your musical freestyle.

I suggest that you warm up first so that you can be sure to have the best representation of your horse's working gait.

Every time that front leg touches the ground at the walk or trot, you will count it as one “beat”. At the canter, you count the leading foreleg as one “beat” when it strikes the ground.

Use a Timer

Using a stopwatch or the timer on your cell phone, have your assistant set the timer for one minute. Have them count the number of footfalls (of that one foreleg) while you ride your horse in a consistent working walk, trot or canter. As long as the horse stays steady and your helper is a good counter (haha) you will have your bpm. You may want to take an average after multiple tries.

Use an App

Have your ground person use a metronome app on your phone, adjusting it up or down until the “beep” sound of the metronome matches the footfall of the wrapped leg. A good app to try is Metronome.


Have your ground person use a BPM app, tapping the screen every time your horse's front leg touches the ground. It will give you the average bpm within a few strides, try it a few times to double check consistency. I have been using the BPM by Motokazu Sekine for many years.

Take A Video

Take this opportunity to have your assistant video your horse at a consistent walk, trot and canter. Make sure to include your working gaits and lengthened/extended movements. Stay in each working gait for at least one full minute. You can count the footfalls from the comfort of your own home on your computer. The video will also be helpful for you to test out different pieces of music.

Here are some basic BPM guidelines:
Walk- between 50-65 BPM
Trot- between 75-90 BPM
Canter- between 95-110 BPM
Passage/Piaffe- between 60-65 BPM

*Generally the canter is twice the beats of the walk and the trot lies somewhere in between.

Browse my Freestyle Book Store

Learn how to create a musical freestyle from start to finish with my Freestyle Guide or choose an e-Book with choreography ideas just for your level.
Click here to view all Freestyle Books.

Related Articles

30 Success Quotes for Equestrians - Inspiring Horse Quotes to Motivate You in Your Riding

When I was younger, I used to stay up all night writing in my journal, pondering my goals for the new year. My lists were very long! Then I would wake up the next day and try to have the "perfect day", ride all my horses, eat healthy, write in my journal, etc... Over the years I have realized that consistency is more important than striving for "perfect days". There will be many ups and downs, many goals that will be reached and some that need to be stored on the shelf for another day. I am very lucky to earn a living with horses and work with amazing students and professionals. It is my purpose to teach and inspire others to be creative with their horses and benefit from my experiences. 

I hope this collection of quotes inspires you to take action towards your goals. Most of the images feature my horse Douwe the Amazing Friesian and my Art on Horseback partner Rovandio

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This year take action and learn trick training, dressage, bitless, bridleless, and more! click here

Tired of sitting on the sidelines? Create your dream freestyle this year! click here

Tired of sitting on the sidelines? Create your dream freestyle this year! click here

This year take action and learn trick training, dressage, bitless, bridleless, and more! click here

This year take action and learn trick training, dressage, bitless, bridleless, and more! click here

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Dreaming of a fantasy photo shoot with your horse? click here

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Learn how to design your very own musical freestyle. click here

Learn how to design your very own musical freestyle. click here

Follow Douwe the Amazing Friesian on Facebook. click here

Follow Douwe the Amazing Friesian on Facebook. click here

Follow Douwe the Amazing Friesian on Facebook. click here

Follow Douwe the Amazing Friesian on Facebook. click here

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Learn how to create a dressage musical freestyle. Click here.

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Learn how to plan a fantasy photo shoot with your horse. click here

Learn how to train your horse to do tricks for your photo shoot. click here

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Learn how to create a dressage musical freestyle. Click here.

Follow Douwe the amazing friesian on facebook. click here

Follow Douwe the amazing friesian on facebook. click here

Learn how to ride your horse bridleless. click here

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Learn dressage online from sandra beaulieu - a usdf bronze and silver medalist. click here

Learn dressage online from sandra beaulieu - a usdf bronze and silver medalist. click here

Learn how to have fun with your horse with trick training. click here

Learn how to have fun with your horse with trick training. click here

Learn how to train your horse tricks. click here

Learn how to train your horse tricks. click here

Is this your year to shine? take your relationship with your horse to the next level. click here

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Follow Sandra on Pinterest

Sandra Beaulieu - Art on Horseback Live Painting Demo Benefits Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Program in Maine

Photo credit: Sun Journal reporter Daryn Slover

Photo credit: Sun Journal reporter Daryn Slover

Rovandio and I performed a live painting demo at the Healing Through Horses Professional's Expo held in New Gloucester, ME. 100% of the money raised from the sale of this painting went to Healing Through Horses. It is a non-profit organization that offers equine assisted psychotherapy (EAP). 

This was a memorable experience for me, since it was the first time my mother and grandmother were able to watch me paint in person. I also used my new art easel that was creatively built by my husband. We only had 40 minutes to create a painting from start to finish, with all the extra distractions that come with performing. It was a challenge to figure out all the logistics and I couldn't have done it without the help and support of my friends Elisha Harvey, Holly Baily, Taylor Burdin, and Sarah Kach.

In the zen of the moment, living, breathing art, brush stroke upon brush stroke, hoofbeat upon hoofbeat. The horse forms the artist, the artist forms the horse, flowing, living, breathing art.
— Bethanne Ragaglia

Congratulations Holly Bailey for winning the online auction for this painting! 100% of the sale went to Healing Through Horses towards their program and updating their facilities. Holly is one of my close friends in Tallahassee, FL. We had a lovely presentation dinner at Backwoods Crossing for Holly and her family and friends. She is now the proud owner of an Art on Horseback painting.

How to Add a Treat Pouch to Your Costume {For Horseback Riders}

I have been performing with horses for many years. I use treats as positive reinforcement in my training. Over the years I have tried to come up with clever ways to use treats during my performances without the treat bag looking frumpy or drawing attention. I have decorated old fanny packs and handbags that I have found at thrift stores, and used treat pouches designed for horseback riders. Most of them worked pretty well but they would either slide around on a belt, be too wide at the top and the treats would fall out, or they just felt bulky and in my way. This is my solution to the treat dilemma!

What You Need: 

  • A Canvas Bag (I bought mine at Hobby Lobby)

  • Your Corset (or you could use a wide belt)

  • Decorative Trim/Tassels

  • Scissors

  • Hot Glue Gun & Extra Glue

  • Decorative Buttons or Pendants (optional)

  • Fabric Spray/Glitter (optional)

Watch Video for Step-by-Step Instructions:

Do you love being creative with your horse?

Download the First Chapter of my new Fantasy Photo Shoots E-Book today!
Or you can go ahead and purchase the E-Book to get started right away.

Fantasy Photo Shoots Free Chapter Download.png

Watch Sandra and Douwe perform Amazing Trick & Liberty Moves in the Friesian Breed Demo at Equine Affaire 2017

Sounds of thunder hit the ground,
feathers flying all around,
Friesian black and Friesian bold,
giant spirit, gentle soul.

 -Bethanne Ragaglia

Here are some highlights of Douwe's performance in the Friesian Breed Demo at the Equine Affaire. Here are some highlights of our performance in the Friesian Breed Demos at the Equine Affaire. I decided to try something different with Douwe this year, working him in-hand rather than riding him. It was a great training opportunity for us to work on focus and relaxation in a high-energy environment. Enjoy! Thank you to our sponsors Adams Horse & Pet Supplies for my ROMFH black breeches, you can't see them but I love wearing them while I perform! Enjoy!