Filming Update for Falcyyr
/I have been traveling to Standish, ME for filming just about every week so far this summer. Each session we work on a new scene and recently that has included some night scenes. The director, Ahura Diliiza, created a scene where my character (Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt) leads an initiation and celebration for the four main characters. We all had to learn a Gaia chant in a made up language along with dance choreography. Ahura composed the music/chant and it has a great beat to dance to. It took about 3 weeks of practice to perfect it as a group. We had some issues with the weather and a thunderstorm forced us to work inside with a green screen on one occassion. Here are some beautiful photographs during practice and filming courtesy of Unicovia Pictures. We just finished our last night scene for now and will be moving onto the next portion involving the other characters Thor and Athena.
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