Performance schedule:
8:30-11:00 Talking to people at the Andalusian booth in the BREED PAVILION
4:45 I will ride Douwe in the Friesian Sporthorse Demo in the COLISEUM arena
8:30-11:00 Talking to people at the Andalusian booth in the BREED PAVILION- Rovandio will be in the stall and we will also do some in-hand work and tricks in the demo ring.
4:00 I will ride Rovandio in the Andalusian breed demo in the MALLORY SOUTH building
4:45-6:00 Rovandio will be in the Andalusian booth in the BREED PAVILION building
8:30-11:00 Talking to people at the Andalusian booth in the BREED PAVILION
1:00 I will riding Douwe in the FHANA breed demo in the MALLORY SOUTH building 2:30-4:30 Rovandio will be in the Andalusian booth in the BREED PAVILION- we will do some in-hand and tricks in the demo ring.
8:30-11:00 Both Douwe and Rovandio will be in the BREED PAVILION building in the Andalusian & Friesian stalls. We will do tricks in the demo ring.
Please visit me and the horses in C-Barn...our stalls are #15, 16, and 17. Sign-up for your chance to win a SandraB. Designs gift certificate ($100, $70, $30).
Please stay updated on my Begin the Dance Facebook page or my personal page.